From Son to Mother


for the sendai festival, there were many of prizes donated from hawaii. we had a few grand prizes which included the beautiful jewelry by Noelani designs. see that baseball kid? he just came from a baseball game with his friends and played our game we had for the prizes. he threw 3 balls with such confidence and the 3 balls went into the buckets. with no emotions, no smiles, no expressions, he walked to the grand prize table. there was a remote control helicopter we had for boys, and jewelry for the girls. as he walked to the table, i thought for sure he was going for the remote control helicopter, instead, he grabbed the earrings donated by Noelani and handed it to his mother. even the mother was shocked. i’m not sure what happened in this family, but this kid really loved his mother. he had no expression the whole time and i still wonder to this day what happened to that family on march 11th. this event was supposed to be for the kids, but this kid changed the whole outlook on why we where there. it was for everybody!
thank you Noelani for making this mother so happy, and also so proud of her son. i’m sure she will cherish these earrings for the rest of her life.
We Are One project continues!
