Grandpa’s House: Built by hand with love…


i took this photo many years ago on the beach at Pipeline. Joshua was still a little kid with big dreams. Tony always believed in his kids and knew Josh was going to be the giant killer. fast forward about 10 years and every thing Tony thought came out to be true.

to win one of the most prestigious events on the World Tour is a huge accomplishment. enough to bring tears to everyone. there were people on the beach actually crying because they were so happy for Joshua. Kelia looked at me and said “omg uncle, i’m going to cry.” i said “me too!” we all had tears in our eyes because we knew how hard Joshua worked for this win. if any kid in the world deserved to be the champion that day, it was Josh.

no, this is not photoshop or a dream. this is the RESULTS! believe it!

Fukuda-san doing an off the top yesterday! cool!

great surfing dude! enjoy your last day in Hawaii.

so good to see Mari-chan out getting some good waves.

so lucky to have the coolest friends ever. my life would suck without them.

my Grandpa custom built a house right on the stream. he couldn’t have chosen a better place for that.

back in the 1950’s, my Grandpa visioned his dream house, he bought a piece of land, he spent every weekend building it by himself, and when it was completed, this was the result. a very intelligent man who lived his dream. my inspiration…
