Surfers on Surf Points


as a surfer, it’s hard to imagine what has happen to japan. you go to one part of japan, it’s totally devastated. you go to another, it’s perfectly normal. for us WE ARE ONE surfers, looking at the beach with our own eyes is emotional. 4 months later and nothings changed? will it ever be the same? what’s going to happen? we pulled up to this beautiful beach one morning and i think everybody was lost for words. we all had blank faces with no reaction. where is the help? why are the containers still there rusting on the beach? what can we do?
i’m still not giving up hope and know that everything will be back to normal someday. i just with things can move along faster. if this was hawaii, the government would have things back to normal in a month. where is the japanese government? where is all the billions of donated money to the red cross? where is the help?
wanted to take the time to thank people for their encouraging emails and letters. our team all deserve credit for the outstanding job they are all doing. if it wasn’t for them, things would be worst. we are small, but we do big things. let’s move forward and keep the missions going!

you can run, but you can’t hide. i love my camera, i love taking photos, and i love posting them. so if you see me pointing my camera to you, you better not be doing something wrong. haha.
have a great day!
