my brother is planning to go back to Cambodia this summer to see the kids. he’s spent 2 years there and has pretty much dedicated life and heart to the kids. these kids were born HIV positive and it wasn’t their fault. they were just dealt a bad hand in life. but, that didn’t stop them from living life to the fullest. when i went there a few years ago, i left with a whole different outlook on life. how we spend it, how we use it, and how we want to live it. so yes, i have to say that my little brother Davis has helped me see life in a different way. i respect him so much for pouring all his love into these kids.
once these kids leave the NHCC program, they will want to pursue their dreams. dreams that can come true with just so little from us. so Davis has set up a gofundme page and hope his dream of putting a couple kids through college comes true. good job brother! big respect for giving back…