ok, it’s that time of year to start planning for next year. this years mentawai trip was put on hold due to the disaster in japan. next year, we are going forward due to popular demand. a boat full of happy professional surfers, divers, a photographer, a videographer, and lots of fun! i often get asked where and when the best waves in the world are. my answer is always the same, Mentawai during the months of april to september. our trip is planned for may 31 to june 11th. so we will be leaving japan on may 30th and coming back on june 12th. there are only going to be 10 spots on the boat so better get your application in as soon as possible. of course, previous go-naminori dream boat trip members will get first shot, but you might have a chance too. i have about 30 people on my mind that’s been wanting to go on this dream boat trip. i have absolutely no time to be calling people one by one so this is the only chance. if you want to go, you better email me asap. if you miss it, try again next year. dive/surf/travel, that’s my life.

if i have to make the captain drive 14 hours a day and use up all his gas, i will. we are there to get the best surf possible and it’s my job to make it happen. we won’t surf the 2nd best spot that day, we will be surfing the 1st best spot even if it’s on the other side of the mentawai chain. diving in between for evening pupu’s with bintangs. late night drinking games, early morning surfs, and countless memories. things go so fast and you tend to forget. but for us, we document everything! if kenji sahara didn’t take this photo of me on that perfect day at rifles, i would have forgotten it already. do you believe in 30 second barrels? before this trip, i didn’t. now? i do!
