Sunny Girls!


can you believe it was supposed to rain today? that’s why i tell everyone not to listen to the weather report. most of the times it’s wrong…

super stoked to surf with Fujiwara-san. she’s like Superwomen when in the ocean. just so happy to be surfing and riding wave after wave. i don’t know where she gets all her energy from?

smiling and surfing all morning long. this is how you have fun!

then Mei-san riding some amazing waves too. super stable and super happy.

after 30 waves, Fujiwara-san finally got tired. haha.

another wave, another smile, and another memory…

just seeing Diamond Head makes a lot of people happy. me too.

want to thank this wonderful Mother and Daughter combination for the amazing morning. you girls did great! thank you for surfing with me, and thank you for bringing the sun!

and thank you for these wonderful treats! so good!

then picked up Fujii-san in the afternoon and had a blast. waves still good, and sun still shining…

Fujii-san rode the longest waves of his life! i was so stoked to ride along with him!

thank you and see you tomorrow for Day 2 Boot Camp!
