Surfing Hawaii: Genki of Fun!


it’s crazy how the most beginner of surfers have the easiest time surfing. Hinako-chan was the least experienced of the family, but rode wave after wave perfectly. super focused and so awesome for this young 11 year old girl.

Hinako-chan set the pace for this amazing afternoon session. good job girl!

then it was Mommy Hideko-san’s turn. enjoying every ride till the last moment.

it’s so cool how a wave can bring out the brightest smile in a surfer.

once Hideko-san got the groove, she was unstoppable…

Papa Mizoguchi-san surfed so good too. the only goofy footer of the family and has amazing wave knowledge.

yes everybody, this is how you ride a swell till the end. why not?

Genki-kun had the smallest longboard so it was hard to take off, but once he got on, this kid was surfing so good.

Mizoguchi-san taking off on a nice set at Rockpiles.

i’ll save the best ride of the day for last. Genki-kun caught a super good set wave at Rockpiles and rode it almost all the way to the beach. this 16 year old kid has only been surfing for 2 years but has so much talent.

we rode his last wave together and i got the best photo of the day! this is how you enjoy surfing in Hawaii!

thank you to the Mizoguchi-family. i had a blast surfing with you all. see you Papa and Genki-kun tomorrow as we take it up another level. goodnight…
