She in the Ocean Private Escort Service…


opps, forgot to post this. sorry.

i get a call from a friend on Friday. he asked me if i want to do a boat escort for the Molokai Paddleboard race on Sunday. i told him “no” like usual. i’ve been saying “no” to people for many years now, even to family. i never was interested in sitting in a boat for 8 hours watching somebody paddling. then he told me “hey, the girl is from Japan. her escort boat had engine trouble so if you don’t do it, she can’t do it. everybody needs an escort boat. what??? then i thought about the movie “She is the Ocean” and said “ok, i’ll do it!” i can’t let a Japanese girl that came to Hawaii fail to conquer the exact dream i’ve been dreaming for years. no way!

so i meet a total stranger. her name is Mao Kamimura. lives in Okinawa and paddling is her passion. it was her very first Molokai race, and it was my very first escort. “She is the Ocean.”

i left yesterday morning and to tell you the truth, i had lots of doubts in my mind. the wind was already strong in the morning and i knew it would be the roughest channel crossing ever. i knew Mayuki could make it, but didn’t know about myself. almost flipped the boat twice and managed to get there in 4 grueling hours.

boat rocking so much that my head was spinning.

arrived on the West side. this is were i was going to sleep.

it as so beautiful when i pulled up. it amazes me how horrific the ocean can be one minute, then the next minute so calm and peaceful.

parked Mayuki, swam to the beach, and walked to the condo. good to see my family already enjoying Molokai time. and good to see Dino coming all the way from the East side to hang out.

Tony and Alika warming up for the race! Tony actually asked me a couple times to escort them and i said “no.” but family understands family and i didn’t even have to explain myself to them. that’s how family is supposed to be. support no matter what right? right!

after that long crazy ride from Oahu, i needed a beer. so Isaiah handed me a “flat tire?” omg!

swam back to Mayuki, prepared dinner for myself. opps, it was already prepared by Palama Market. haha.

enjoyed 2 beers and pupus singing to myself. i was actually nervous because if i make a simple boating mistake, Mao-san could possibly be disqualified.

then ended the night with a special ramen. it’s been a long time since i had a private solo dinner at sea. it was actually pretty cool. watching the full moon and star gazing got pretty lonely though. haha.

Mao-san showed up the next morning bright and early. you guys wouldn’t believe how tough this girl is! i’d have to say i’m being inspired on a daily basis by amazing women. story coming soon!
