K-Pop and Deadly Prank


remember the popular drama “Winter Sonata” or “Fuyu no Sonata” that was the most watched drama in japan a while ago? it was a full on korean drama that took japan by storm. yeah, even i got hooked and watched every single episode. i even bought the dvd collection. don’t laugh. i hated Yonsama but liked his girlfriend. haha. anyway, since then, korean entertainment has been a big thing in japan and now it’s these sexy K-Pop girls. where can i see them? haha.

have you ever played a trick on your friend down at the beach before? dig a hole in the sand, cover it with a blanket or bushes, lure them there, and watch them fall in? i’ve done it many of times and also had it done to me. well, this frequent prank turned deadly for a couple in japan. both 23 year old male and female fell in a hole dug as a prank, and died. sad news. i’ll never do this again.
