Baby Sleep Walking…


had an amazing time with the Masui-san family! Masui-san and i surfed Bowls this morning and the waves kept on growing! head high and perfect! not too many locals out because no parking! score!

then checked out Diamond Head this afternoon for my daily foil session. looked so good but it was way too hot. so came home and took a cool nap instead.

want to thank Misaki-san for the KitKat!

my last photos of my Cuba trip. Cuban water.

my Havana guide.

it’s crazy how an hour out the busy city can be so different. i came across this Cuban fisherman trying to catch dinner. super nice man telling me all his fishing tales.

out of the city, some of the nicest people you will ever meet.

and some the cleanest water on earth.

i was bodysurfing and loving life.

Mateus slept over last night. in the middle of the night, i went to use the toilet. right as i finished, i seen this little kid sleepwalking and going to the toilet with his eyes half closed. i watched him and guided him back to his bed. covered him with his blanked and kissed him goodnight again. so cute!!!

it’s crazy how kids grow up so fast. Mateus will always be a baby to me. haha…
