through surfing, i meet the coolest people from japan. take for example, the Ueno family.

this is Mari-chan who is a big fan of Kelia Moniz. this is the 3rd year in a row we surfed together. she’s more confident, more happy, and really comfortable in the ocean. to see her progress every year makes me happy!

Ai-chan was one of my youngest surf students when she started. 2 years ago, she didn’t even want to talk to me. last year, i finally got her to come surfing with me. this year, she couldn’t wait! next year, we’re surfing north shore!

i love teaching kids how to surf, and how to enjoy the ocean. it was about this age when i started surfing and everybody says i was lucky. these girls will have surfing in their blood forever! 2 cuties! Keep on Surfing girls!

i have lots of musician surfer friends. Ueno-san is the first Heavy Metal Rocker surfer i ever met. super mellow and kind man in my car but when i seen a video of him rocking hard, i felt like grabbing a guitar, throwing it on the ground, smashing it, banging my head against the wall, and rocking on!!!! Heavy Metal Forever!
**i want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Ueno, Mari-chan, and Ai-chan for visiting me every year. from surfing bowls, to eating leonards malasadas, to kahuku prawns, to waiola shave ice, i always have a great time. and i always gain weight too. haha. and thank you for the wonderful Kikaida presents and please “KEEP ON SURFING!”
