The Cool Shonan Boys…


had a blast surfing with the Shonan boys this morning!

Takenouchi-san is super stoked on surfing for 20 years. smooth and happy!

Inoue-san equally stoked too and riding the longest waves of the day.

look how beautiful the waves were today! glassy long rights all morning long. we scored!

and nice off the lips from Takenouchi-san!

i tucked myself in a couple miniature barrels. felt so good!

Inoue-san on a perfect point right at Bowls. so beautiful!

and the nice cross step to the nose.

thank you boys for the wonderful time! lots of waves and lots of laughs!

and lots of pho too! want to say hello to Ayumi-chan from Stone Free in Chigasaki! these are some cool surfers!
