Dead Whale Watching Tour


 yesterday was the most beautiful kind of day we have here in Hawaii.  just calm seas and clear water.  i was very interested in watching the dead whale getting towed back out to sea.  so jumped on Mayuki and headed out to look for it.   my foot was feeling good elevated.   and my mind was feeling so good with the fresh wind blowing in my face.  after looking around,  we found the small boat pulling the huge carcass out.  so it was full throttle straight out to sea.  the ocean is usually rough out here but it felt like we were riding on glass.   we pulled up from behind about 4 miles off Oahu.  they were planning to pull it 12 miles out to sea.  i’m wondering what island this will land on next?  and i’m sure the tiger sharks will show up no matter where it is.  the government probably wants this as far away from Waikiki as possible.  this wouldn’t be good for our economy if this and 15 huge tiger sharks showed up at Queens.    you can see the shark bites.  ouch!   we followed it around for a while and decided to go get some gas before i ran out.  not bad.  93 gallons at $412.  omg, boating is not cheap!  but now that i’m all gassed up, another outer island trip is coming up soon.  and to me, outer island trips are priceless… then i come home and find out something is wrong with my computer.  omg!  so went out to pick up another hard drive and will download about 1 million photos.  i hope i didn’t lose any…stopped off for some spicy seafood noodle soup on the way home.  my favorite!
