Social Ocean Attack


 when the first videos of Ocean Ramsey swimming with the shark came out, i thought it was pretty cool.  then towards the end of the video, i saw her touch the shark and kind of ride her.  right there, i knew that was going to be a problem down the line.   and sure enough, i heard she’s now been getting bashed on mainstream and social media, and even had death threats.  was it the right thing to do?  well, if you want my take on it, here it is…  and if you don’t want my take on it, stop reading now… Ocean Ramsey is a free diver.  so am i.  it’s something about free divers that we can connect to the ocean and what ever it throws at us.  we’re not scared of sharks and we’re not scared of dying.  if i were to see something like this, i’d be memorized.  frozen in the moment taking in every aspect of what’s happening.   would i touch it?   probably not because i know the backlash i would get if i did.  now days, no matter what good or bad you do, you will always face the backlash of the jealous haters in this social media world.  that’s actually one of the reasons i don’t have Facebook or Instagram.  i don’t have time to listen to the people that try to bash you for every little thing you do.   my life is better than that.  and i’m sure Ocean Ramsey’s is too.   but this poor girl that had the experience of her lifetime now has to deal with all the bullshit social media crap for the rest of her life.    this world is ruthless and when you give haters the chance to attack you, they will pounce on it.

so a lesson to social media stars, “keep your hands to yourself.”
