Love your Family and Friends…


it’s unbelievable how cold it’s been all across America!   this guy got a ticket for driving his car like this.  haha…  as for Hawaii, it’s been the coldest of the year so far but still very warm for me.  people here don’t know what cold is.  this is my morning drive and when i see the ocean, i know exactly what’s going on for the day.  cool and beautiful!   pulled up to Diamond Head and there were only 4 surfers out.  grabbed my foil and had the time of my life!   yesterday evening, a speeding drunk driver in this Ford truck ran over pedestrians on Ala Moana Blvd.   he killed 3 people instantly and injured 3 more.  one from America, one from Hawaii, and one from Japan.  omg!  this is the local guy that was killed.  a Doctor who just got married and had his whole life ahead of him.  went out for an evening jog and never made it back.  it’s so crazy how someones life can be taken away just like that.   we are all living in a freaky and crazy world these days.  you just never know when your time will come.   i feel so sad for this guys family and friends…
