Kelly Slater: Made in China


 want to thank Kyle for sending me these photos from yesterday.  super cool hanging out with the boys.  haven’t done this in a very long time so pretty happy day… good job Seth on finding that tasty fish!   it was super cold and windy but i was craving to foil.  i pulled up to Diamond Head early in the morning and it was actually warm and clean.  once again, i had the whole inside to myself!   foiled like a free bird!   then went to Home Depot to get some materials for my project.   thank goodness i have a truck!   building things is like therapy for me.  you have to use your brain and figure things out.   i learned all of this by just watching my Grandpa build houses when i was a kid.  and when i’m fixing up my house, that’s all i think about… almost missed my Genius Bar appointment!  thank goodness the Apple store is less than 10 minutes away from my house.  and yes, the Genuis recovered all the 26,000 photos i lost!   came back home and painted.  everything should be coming together tomorrow! does this look familiar?  yes, it is the Chinese version of the Kelly Slater wave pool.  costs 1/5 the price and is ready for sale!  i’m pretty sure Kelly is freaking out at this!
