Go-Naminori Party 2011


we had 2 big parties for Go-Naminori.  one in Hawaii, and one in Japan.  both freaking amazing.  the concept for both parties were to get Hawaiians and Japanese together.   looking back at it now, i think we were pretty successful in doing that!

 back in 2011, Seth was only 13 years old, and Isaiah was 15.  it was their job to run around the Ilikai hotel and post signs to make sure everybody found our party in the penthouse.  i had 2 of Hawaii’s top chefs in the kitchen preparing the most amazing courses.  it’s always been my dream to connect Hawaii and Japan and become one.   this group of surfers are now on the top of Hawaii and Japan which is pretty amazing.   a party in Hawaii isn’t complete without poke.   not even millionaires can eat something like this.  hamachi, maguro, and the prized opihi poke mix.  this was the absolute best!   i couldn’t believe how much alcohol this party consumed.  i remember throwing away huge bags of empty bottles the next morning.   local style party.  everybody was welcomed… the Go-Naminori girls.  Nao-chan, Alyssa, and Kelia… i still can’t believe how loud this party was.  hundred people, live music, and not one policeman came to break up the party.  i was surprised it went on past midnight.   this is my core.  high school friends that love me for who i am.   and the beautiful surfer girls… and the beautiful bodyboard girls… if it wasn’t for Go-Naminori, a lot of friendships like this would never have happened.  so yeah, mission accomplished…   a live Okinawa band playing loud “shimanchu nu takara,”  Kazubo-san whistling and dancing, and everybody else screaming.  i still don’t know how the police didn’t come and break up this party.  it was a miracle… then we brought out the midnight dessert for the late partiers.  fresh opihi!  lovely night, lovely food, lovely entertainment, and lovely people.  thank you all for supporting this amazing party.  i’ll never forget it!
