New Day, and New Toy


driving to the beach this morning watching the police arrest a guy.  what a start to a day in Paradise…

Ueda-san slept well last night and was in full power mode this morning.  surfing so good!

Mayumi-san super smooth and having the longest rides of the day.

this is absolutely perfect surfing.  good style and good smile.

and when you’re smiling, you’re relaxing.  just like this…

i just love riding on the side yelling like a sargent to a solider.  haha…   good job Ueda-san and Mayumi-san.  see you guys again tomorrow for more boot camp!

a wise man once told me “Kirby, you can’t take your money to your grave.  so enjoy your life and buy what ever you want.”   i took his advise today and bought a very expensive foil.

then i went out to Diamond Head and had the time of my life.  i’m about 90% back to normal, and 100% happier than ever.   life is good again…
