Diamond Head: Happy People


 Diamond Head loves any kind of swell, and loves no wind like today.  so today, it was another all day at the Cliffs!  Mai-chan was surfing so good again.  smooth and relaxed… longboard local girls having 1 minute rides!   loving my foil drone more and more.  i want to get a longer mast so i can get even higher!   stoked to see Dave out again!   and stoked to see Shane out too!   so happy to surf with you again Mai-chan!  and glad you like Diamond Head  just as much as i do… if you were to ask me how the waves were today?  my answer would be “as good as it gets!”   happy surf, happy people… and so nice to have a wonderful family conversation with Ichimura-san.  see you guys again tomorrow for some fun in the sun!   it was absolutely perfect from sunrise to sunset.then picked up Seira-chan this afternoon for some serious Boot Camp Training which included hiking…
