waves have been super small at Bowls so took Rikita-san for his first ever Diamond Head session!   waves were super fun!!!

such a beautiful natural place where you don’t have to worry about hotels being built.

on the way out, we bumped into Hawaii News Now weatherman Guy Hagi!  he was right about the weather and waves being perfect today!

over the past 5 years, i’ve watched Rikita-san becoming more and more calm.  and the more and more calm he’s becoming, the more and more cool he’s becoming.

from the first wave to the last, pure confidence…

i’m sure this won’t be the last time we surf here…

girls having fun in the sun.  just like summer!

right after we got out, everybody went in.  i guess my foiler friends scared everybody away.  haha…

this is the backside of the famous Diamond Head.  she’s so beautiful!

thank you Rikita-san for the wonderful day of surfing and hanging out.  and thank you for the snacks too!   see you tomorrow early morning and if Guy Hagi is right again, it will be another beautiful day!!!
