Last Minute Flight…


 yesterday evening we knew the waves would be small today.  so Rikita-san wanted to do something different.  so stoked!  just leave that kind of stuff up to me.  haha.. sitting in the pitch dark little propeller airplane just happy to be so high in the sky.   looking down on the Honolulu city lights.   then arriving at our destination as the sun pops up over the horizon… i always request Row 1 seat 1 just in case something happens.  i already know how to open the emergency door, and i already know how to fly an airplane.  i learned by just watching and hopefully don’t have to fly one anytime soon.   arrived right in time for the second part of the sunrise!   you won’t find this kind of slick beauty in too many places in the world.  it’s totally mesmerizing… then we went walking and exploring around.  this has always been one of my favorite walks because once you get to the top, you won’t believe the view!   i practically saw every single island from all different angles today.  whales jumping and as peaceful as it gets.   we kept on driving and driving until the end of the road.  and this is where it ends…  hanging out with Cousin Dino and experiencing all the aloha you can imagine.  i can go on and on about what else we did but somethings are best kept to ourselves.  all i can say is that i’m relieved Rikita-san didn’t end up at the hospital today.  it was a high risk, high return kind of day that none of us will ever forget.  haha..
