Hunters of the South Seas


recently been having a lot of days of stress free lifestyle in Hawaii.  just surfing, eating, and hanging out.  simple, but happy.   on the other hand, i hear people complaining, see road rage, and feel negative vibes at times.  why?  i don’t understand how you can’t be happy here in paradise???

cool photo Rikita-san took on Molokai…  this is cousin Dino’s pet goat with the most beautiful eyes.

once again, we had Diamond Head to ourselves this morning.  and Rikita-san was loving every minute of it.

and loving every wave of it too.

and i was loving every minute of taking photos from my foil.

when i’m shooting, i can see right into Rikita-san’s eyes.  and it shows pure excitement and happiness…

i shoot a couple photos, and i get off the wave and catch the one behind.  getting pretty easy!

i encourage everybody to watch this show called Hunters of the South Seas.  it’s about hunting food, it’s about survival, and it’s about culture.  it will make you think about things, especially if you haven’t traveled to places like that before…

and speaking about thinking about things, i’m thinking about his electric Harley Davidson bike that’s coming out.  it must go pretty dam fast!
