Filipino Food Monday!


 once again, i asked Asayama-san where he wanted to surf today.  i gave him the options and he chose Pokai Bay!  and when we paddled out, i knew he made the right choice because it was the best on the island!   that’s local knowledge… after we came back from our outer island surf trip, this man is very different.  absolutely no fear!   so cool to see the kids enjoying spring break.   and so cool watching perfect rides passing me by.   and so cool watching old timer locals still ripping.   and so cool watching young time surfers learning how to rip. and so cool watching Asayama-san going with the flow and enjoying every moment in life.   Asayama-san was the oldest surfer out today and rode the longest waves.  total inspiration for us all… then we went to eat some Filipino style lunch in Waipahu.  i love this place!   grilled squid… and grilled bbq pork.  thank you Asayama-san for the amazing day of surf, food, coffee, and laughs.   see you tomorrow early morning for your special day in life…
