Seafood City


 it’s cool to walk on a white sandy beach in Hawaii and find some treasure.   this is a keeper!   and so cool paddling out and see a turtle swimming under you.   and so cool checking out new places like this seafood city.   these are called Manini and it cost $5.99/lb.  i could spear 100 of these in a few hours and that would make me a rich man.  BUT, no thank you.   and these are Uhu’s that are priced super high too.  easy to spear also but no thank you.  i only need one for dinner. and this is called a Mu.  even if i tried my best, i only can spear a couple each year.  why?  because these are the smartest fish in the ocean.  and if you’re a free diver in Hawaii, you would probably agree with me.   this is called Akule in Hawaiian, or Aji in Japanese.   this is called is called squid here in Hawaii, and ika in Japan.  this is called oysters in Hawaii, and kaki in Japan.  these will be on the grill tonight!!!  can’t wait…
