January 1, 2014 Best Shot!

Best day.
Best waves.
Best experience.
Best boards.
Best photos.
Best smile.
Best friends.
I am very very happy today!
I hope you are too!

My Lovely Day

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well, the holidays are over. christmas and now new years! happened so fast. Hiyori-chan at the honolulu city lights.
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and check out this beautiful photo of the first sunrise of 2014 at Shirahama Beach in ishinomaki. photo taken by Hiyori-chan’s uncle.
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and another sunrise from japan sent by Yumi-chan. the land of the rising sun.
this is where our sun came up this morning. right over the beautiful lights of honolulu, hawaii.
Screen shot 2014-01-01 at 1.11.25 AM
want to wish my brother a happy new year in cambodia. here is his 1st graders sending out their happy new year greeting card. so cute!
it felt like summer today. so hot and so good! fun waves for us and not too crowded at all.
so happy to get Hiyori-chan on a 9’0 longboard today. after this wave, i let her try a short board and guess what?
first wave perfect! now Hiyori-chan is now an official short boarder! hopefully she can go back to japan and surf ishinomaki with aunty Ryoko-san. it’s unbelievable how fast she learned how to surf. good balance, good style, and good riding. Go-Hiyori-chan!

Welcome to a New Year!

Perfect Hot Summer Weather! Surf/Dive/Play!