火曜日 10月1日 2024年






夕方に港に寄って地元の漁師がどんな物を獲っているのかチェックしにいった。ある老人がクーラーにいっぱいの鯛を持っていた。結婚式や誕生日などのお祝いに使うようなやつ。とても高価なのに地元の漁師がその魚を全部僕らにくれた。もう、なんてラッキーなんだ。そしてケイイチさんが寿司屋へ持ってって僕らの為にさばいてくれた。夜の7時に行きこれが待っていた。oh my gosh..みんなもここにいれればよかったね。。。

食べて飲んで食べて飲んでとてもグレートタイムだった。僕らをもてなしてくれた木村さんファミリーに心より感謝したい。一生忘れないディナーだった。ハワイからのギャング達も大喜びで彼らと素晴らしい思い出をシェアできてうれしかった。これでどうして僕が日本が大好きなのか彼らもわかってくれただろう。much mahalo….

Okinawa Dogtooth Tuna #1 Story…. by kevin….

So it all started early one morning…
Sunday we got up at a riduculous time of day… 4am I think it was. That right there made me think if it was even worth a fish. We made our way to some harbor on the west side of the island and began to unload our gear 15 minutes later than when we were suppose to be there. Stepping on the to the 60ft boat was like trying to make your way through a pit of hot coals. This boat was beauty! Three years old with AC, running water, room to sleep and a bathroom. Before I saw any of these money hungry accessories scar face, our captain, about korate chopped Rob when we walked into the finely finished wood floor cabin. This doood flpped out and almost threw Rob out! Take your slippaz off Rob 😀
The seas were very rough with big swells that made this big boat actually work for its final destination. Apon arriving at our location the currents were really moving in many directions but the most dangerous current was the one flying through the two pinnacles. I would say it was a strong 6+ knot current. The first trip through the valley produced nothing for me and my dive partner Rob. We had made our way safely through with out hitting the pinnacles at the blazing speed. After a few more runs I was begining to get :pissed: We paid all this money for nothing! On top of that the seas were so rough, I probably drank 5 gallons of sea water.
After hitting the reef near shore and landing some nice fish, Rob and I proceeded back to the boat to hit the pinnacle again. In the meantime Reyton, Kirby, and Kyle were fishing a rock which produced HUGE Napolean Wrasses, Grouper, and Ulua. Reyton had dove 72ft in the trechorous current and plugged a 50lb grouper which darted to its hole and ripped Reytons shaft out. Reyton was a warrior, using only his 110cm gun with two 9/16 bands, flopper, and maybe 50ft of reel line. I dont know what he was planning on doing when he landed one of these big fish but it sure made for a good show.
We all regrouped and heading back to the unforgiving pinnacle. The tides had changed but that didnt stop the white caps, head high swells, and current that runs through there faster than the speed of light. We dove anyway in hopes to get the money shot. The whole time all I could think about was how fast I was going to fly through the pinnacles this time and who, if anyone, would be with me at the other end. There we were, miles away from civilization to land a dogtoth to keep the dream alive. Rob jumped in with his 110cm RA and I fell off the boat with my 140cm Rabitech Apex. Right after everyone loaded thier guns we were almost at the pinnacle. Everyone disspersed and I was by myself. In the distance I thaught I spotted what appeared to be a GT and I dove into the current and rode on in the valley. Unfortunately the current on the bottom runs different and I begin a spiral almost bashing into Reyton, who Im sure was thinking I just messed this shot up for him. As I tumbled in the current the videographer, Kyle Nakamoto was filming me and I couldnt do anything but throw him the hang loose sign.
Alone I was on the other side of the pinnacle where we ran into a school of 40 good size Permit followed by a same size school of the poisonous red snappers. I heard a voice in the distance… It was Rob screaming my name. I couldnt see him in the unforgiving water, ony hear him. So I dove and in my head was going to shoot one of the big snappers, poisonous or not. I noticed a different kind of fish in the pile and proceeded to show him what a Rabitech feels like. I level off at 40ft and waited for the school to become curious in me. Slowly dropping I equalized again. A minute later I decide to go up and I look to my left… I see this prehistoric creature coming around to my front. I level off again and wait looking to find the biggest one of the pack. Luckily it was leader but he wasnt in range. So I made small kicks and closed the gap. The whole time I was studying his eyes and body language. NOw the Dogtooth is an apex predator who has a bad temper and is always hungry. Displaying his teeth his eye shifted on me and he took notice. Being the bully on the block, he just looked at me like I was inferior and continued on his path. The gap closed and I aimed for the head and shot! I got him right behind the gill. The 7mm shaft entered his upper shoulder and out below the shoulder on the opposite side.
The fish just shook it off and once he realized he was restricted from the tightness of the line he took off with my spear straight for the deep! Hands up I bolted from the depths to take a breath on the surface. Rob and Reyton were watching the whole thing. My 10ft bungie was tight and it took the first 11liter RA float down, stretched the next 5ft bunge and took my last float down. There goes my 140cm Carbon Rabitech gun, my 75ft line, bungies, and floats. The orange floats dissapeared into the blue and all I could think about was, Oh no another fish story. We made our way back to the boat and waited for the floats to surface. The whole time I thaught he cant stay down there too long, not with 2 floats he cant. 200m away my floats popped up. How anyone saw those 2 little floats in that rough of water is beyone me. But what got my attention besides that my gear was back is the fact that the first float is sitting straight up. FISH ON!!!!!! Hell ya!!!!!!
We get off the boat and I begin to pull the dog up. They only have one run and after that they give up. So I pulled him up and I was on my float line. It was Kyle, Rob, Reyton, and myself. I looked at Reyton, pounded fists, and he went down followed by Kyle. Reyton took a back up shot. After bringing him up more I noticed he was hanging on by skin with my shot and Rob took another from the bottom of the chin up through the head just incase he ran again since Rob was the only other guy with floats.
For the next 30minutes I was surrounded by Kyle and Kirby taking photo and video. Kirby got some really sick shots that you might see later or a magazine one day. He also got some amazing shots of Rob as well! I mean I have never seen such sick pics and angles that he got.
All in all that day was the worse day of diving I have ever had. From the first time in the water I didnt think I was coming back out alive. The swells, the white caps, and the 6+ knot current. We battled it all and came out alive! It was the most unsafe day of diving I have ever had. It makes you wonder if the fish is worth it? I dont know but all the dive buds and friends made this an experience Im glad I was able to have.
And thats how for the first time in my life I was able to land a big doggie and kept the dream alive.
140cm Rabitech Apex, two 5/8 bands, single flopper, 7mm spear and an amazing group of friends that came through to set it all up :smthumbup:
Well now Im going to try and remove the rest of the black off my toe nails, Kirby likes it when my nails are painted 😀


ハワイからアロハ。今家に帰ってきた。長い旅だったよ。とても楽しく多くの友達もできた。話と写真がいっぱいあるけど今は疲れ過ぎ。今週”unbreak my heart”という歌がずっと頭から離れない。バリで行ったレストランはどこもこの歌が流れていた。他の悲しい歌と共に。では寝ます。unbreak my heart, say you love me again……[:しくしく:][:しくしく:][:しくしく:][:しくしく:]