Man Attacks Young Girl: Caught on Tape..

good morning. i don’t want to ruin anyone’s day but i think you should see this video that was taken in korea. i saw it on tv in japan last week and freaked out. a man beat up a little girl in the elevator. how could someone do something like this? the camera caught it and i hope they found this guy and kicked the shit out of him. if i saw him walking down the street, he better run…. freakin loser….
*i saw the uncut version but it was too nasty to post. this one is blocked out but you can still see that it was pretty bad…

by the way, it’s another pretty dark day here. i can’t wait to get back in the clear water wearing my trunks. about one week to go and counting…. this is shuji kasuya back in my home…. aahhhh…..

TSSC Surf School Gallery Up….

we had the tssc surf school last week in shikoku and kenji sahara was there to capture some of the kids first time surfing. check out these priceless photos…..

this little girl was so stoked on surfing. she was really shy in the beginning but once she started surfing, she opened up….

this is 6 year old taku being pushed on a wave by pro surfer yuichi. this is another priceless photo…..

and tony was teaching stand up paddle surfing too. let me tell you, it ain’t that easy. expect to eat shit in the beginning….

A Day Surfing Chiba….

konnichi wa. pulled up to chiba yesterday morning to some good waves. surfed sunrise in the morning with hayato, zuccho, kenji, chiaki, and yumie. it was good to see everybody. the water is freezing in chiba so i had my full suit, gloves, and boots on. i was pretty warm but had a hard time surfing with all that rubber on. not really use to it. so half way through my session, i took off the boots and gloves. 10 minutes later, i had to go in because i couldn’t feel my feet and hands. they were numb…. tetsu urayama and kawabata-san were also out. gosh, these pro surfers in chiba surf really good out here. i had to take notes…

there is this place called “holiday inn”???? something like that. but it’s right in front of taito beach and has the best lunches…. i ordered the aji sashimi teishoku. oishikatta….

second round…. went to this river mouth. only 3 people were out. chiaki and mari-chan were two of them…

this is isumi river. freakin beautiful place….

loaded with oysters on the tetrapods…

hayato and i took turns picking them off the rocks with the screwdriver…

got to use the tools you find in your car. this ain’t the oyster picking set but you just have to make it work… and it worked….
**i took some pretty cool video that i’ll post when i stop having fun. but for right now, i don’t have time to sit down on my computer all day. too much fun here in chiba…. wanted to thank zuccho and yumie for the accurate surf report yesterday morning. and thank hayato and mari-chan for the awesome dinner, and jasmine and hide for letting us crash out at their castle on the top of the hill….. you guys are the bomb.. anyway, going surfing!!! have a nice day…