A 300 Pound Hawaiian Kalua Pig….

good evening. hope your having a good thanksgiving day. town had some waves today so we jumped in at kaisers. i ended up hanging out with my sister guys all day. it was super fun. we pulled up to kaisers this morning at 8am. it was packed because it’s a holiday. maybe 15 guys out at this little peak. we decided to go out there and all paddled out at the same time. all 8 of us. i saw the faces on the surfers out there and they just gave in and went in. after about 15 minutes, it was only us. i would have paddled in too….

the sky was blue, the water was clean, and everybody was enjoying the waves… this knee boarder scored a good wave. well, until the moniz clan paddled out. haha….

the moniz kids are super competitive no matter what they do. from surfing to skateboarding, from bingo to jun ken po, to pretty much anything they do. i like to watch them cause it’s going to make them want to be the best at whatever they end up doing. today they had a paddle board race right in back of their house. isaiah won with micah right behind. it was pretty classic….

to all you kalua fans. he’s fine and getting bigger and bigger. it took starburst, chocolate, and chips to get him out from under the house. when he finally came out, he headed straight for the water hose. seth showered him down and gave him about 2 gallons of water. this pig could feed an army… but neva mind….

this is a better photo on how big he really is. that’s my sisters house right behind. if i seen this pig coming for me in the mountains, i’ll run the away. but kalua is so loving and part of the moniz clan….
note: they are taking corn donations….
**also, tomorrow is black friday. stay far away from the shopping centers or your going to be stuck in traffic. it’s the busiest shopping day of the year. or if you decide to go, check out GO-NAMINORI.COM/HAWAII….

Happy Turkey Day….

happy thanksgiving!!! gobble gobble…. i had my turkey last night and i’m still so full. it’s 6:30am on this cold thursday morning. i love these north winds. as for the waves, still got some on the north shore but the winds are onshore so the conditions are junky. town is super clean again and looks like there is a little swell coming in. the winds are straight off shore. diamond head is the spot again. i’m going surfing!! have a nice day. gobble gobble….

we call this fish “opelu kala” in hawaiian, or also known as “Sleek Unicornfish”. you can’t spear them if their under 16 inches. this one was 20 inches and i know that because i measured him up before i shot him. a lot of people don’t know but this fish is the best eaten “sashimi” style. and you can also throw it on the barbecue. i really like the white meat so when i see big ones, i spear them and bring it home…. so good….

by going on so many boat trips, i learned how to filet fish. sometimes i wish i didn’t because i always have to do it. but i don’t mind once i get a sample of it, it’s all good. we had this one for pupu’s last night at my moms….

i love sashimi. especially when it’s a fish i catch. so fresh and so free. by the way, these fish are from the “knife fish” family and the reason is that there are knifes on the tail that can cut you like a razor blade. that’s their defense. be careful while handling these guys. a lot of divers end up going to the hospital and getting stitches… oh, and when you spear them, go for the head. don’t break the belly sack because it stinks. and a body shot makes for junk sashimi. so go for the head and don’t let them cut you like a knife….

this is page 112-113 of the cloud 9 article. this spread is naoki getting shacked. naoki pulled up to sairgao over 10 years ago, bought the best piece of land with partner gerry. and now together, they own the famous “sagana resort” that’s right in front of cloud 9. safe, clean, good food, nice people, and epic waves. what more could you ask for???? thanks again naoki for taking care of us…

Ratio Fin International….

good evening. this is the view i get when i leave my house early in the morning. makes me think “wow, it’s going to be a beautiful day”… and yes it was a beautiful day…

check out diamond head this morning. sick!!! the waves were only 2′ but it was as epic as it gets. we ended up surfing kewalo’s and it was epic too. town was clean all day long…

something not too clean was the ala wai again today. drove by there and seen all this crap in the water. can’t believe this is hawaii. come on government, if you want tourist coming here, you better clean up this place. this is waikiki. unbelievable….

nao-chan from japan came to hawaii today to hang out with kelia. we went surfing, watched surf videos, and are about to eat a giant feast now… be back later…

nao-chan brought me some ratio fins from toyo ohashi-san. looks killer and can’t wait to try it. thanks so much toyo-san…
**check out some other ratio fins on RATIOFIN.COM….