High Surf Advisory for North/West Shores of Hawaii. Finally….

good morning. 5am here on this dark wednesday morning. i slept so dam early last night that i couldn’t sleep. i feel like i drank 5 cans of red bull or something. anyway, got a lot to do today so i’m off to a good start. first, going surfing…. the waves in the north shore should be huge. the north buoy is 14 ft. 15 sec. that’s pretty dam big. expect high surf advisory to be posted and expect big waves at the contest at haleiwa today. and expect a bigger swell this weekend that should post high warning advisories, and expect all the sand from ehukai beach park to be taken off the beach and form perfect sandbars, and expect pipeline to be epic next week, and expect me to be out there…. gosh, a lot to expect for 5am. i’m out of here…

what’s up guys. uh vs. boise football SOLD OUT!!! 50,000 EXPECTED… GO WARRIORS… and if your lucky enough to go to the game, check out some infomation: UH FOOTBALL INFO…..

no, this is not sunny garcia, this is a sketch of the guy who punched a tourist on halloween night in the face on kalakaua avenue in waikiki. that punch knocked him unconscious and sent him to the hospital for 2 weeks. note: this guy is not wearing a mask. if you know him, call crimestoppers at 955-8300. we have to protect our tourists….

and no, this is not a sketch. these are my 2 nieces at my moms house last night. they are helping out with preparation for thanksgiving dinner. see, we have our dinner on the night before thanksgiving day. according to my mom, that way, our whole family can be together. then on thanksgiving day, you can do as pleased. we do that for christmas and new years too. i think that’s a great idea. can’t wait for tonight… quack quack. i think that’s what a turkey says before he gets his head chopped off. or was it a duck? whateva, same thing….

and here is a better photo of that double rainbow the other day. i took this with my olympus camera. nice…. now get out of your house and have a nice day. plenty of rainbows to come…..

Miso Soup Hawaiian Water….

good evening. another long ass day today. woke up early to fix my boat. finished by 9am so had to go test it out. the waves on the north shore were junk and the waves in town was flat. i ain’t missing anything….

no, this is not miso soup. this is the ala wai harbor. do do water and really stink too. if this contaminated water got on my cut, i would probably have to cut my leg off. i was really careful. but once we got away from ala moana, the water was really clean. and on the way out passing bowls, it was completely FLAT!!! not even one guy out. i’ve never seen bowls with nobody out before. flat waves and miso soup water is keeping surfers away. we ended up testing my boat from waikiki to the airport. and by mistake, i forgot to take my diving gear out of my boat from last time. so i had to dive… haha…

we dove all the way until evening. while coming in, the sunset was freaking awesome. so beautiful that i forgot to take a photo. anyway, check out my new trailer and i guess the hole in my boat is fixed because we didn’t sink today. this is my brother standing on the trailer trying not to slip into the miso soup ala wai. and yes, right after i took this photo, he slipped and fell in. it was pretty funny. hope he takes a good shower tonight. and that’s shawn driving my boat on. i was sitting on my rocking chair drinking my beer when i took this photo. haha.. just joking….

shawn fujimoto is such a good diver. i try to follow him around and watch how he stalks fish. and i’m learning a lot. it’s amazing on how deep he goes, and how long he can stay down. he’s so relaxed on the bottom that he looks like he’s sleeping down there. maybe he takes naps or something. every time i come up and look for him, i can’t find him. and that’s because he’s down more than he’s up. that’s nuts… anyway, here is just 2 of the 20 or so fish he caught today in town. this photo is 1 hour old. if you dive or ever tried to dive in town, you know that there’s no fish. and if you can catch fish in town, your a pretty good diver. i still don’t know where he found these big “munu’s” but he’s going to have the best dinner on the island for sure…. today we started off slow because we went blue water diving looking for ono’s and mahimahi’s. one big ono swam by but just out of range so no sashimi tonight. then we went reef diving and filled a cooler up with fish. great day for diving. and yes, my boat is running pretty dam good…. good night…
**big swell this weekend. stay tuned…

Filipino Lotto Winners….

good morning. 6:30am on this chilly north wind morning. gosh, feeling more like winter now. i actually used a blanket last night. it’s chilly but i like it. but it’s just a little harder to get up. still got a solid north swell out in the country. the conditions look much better than yesterday. town is flat and the water out at bowls looks dirty again from all that rain last night. so far, no sewage spills but i’m keeping an eye on the news. anyway, the waves suck today so i’m going to finish up fixing my boat. then i might have to in the water to test it out. with my speargun. haha. oh, i was driving by kahala mall yesterday and they were unloading christmas trees. gosh, don’t you love that smell? can’t wait to get mine… in hawaii, christmas is the happiest time of the year. only 35 days away… ho ho ho, merry christmas…..

on our stop over in cebu, hayato, kazuya, and u-ske tried their luck at the lottery there. seemed like everybody was doing it….

hayato was a winner!!! i think he won a dollar or something. but a dollar in the philippines is like 20 bucks to us. it can go a long way… imagine winning a million dollar lottery in hawaii or japan? wait. forget it. i don’t want anything to do with millions of dollars. i seen how money can change people. i was watching a special the other day about the lifestyle of past lottery winners. it was all about drugs, fake friends, and even suicide. a normal person getting millions of dollars all of a sudden will change their lives forever. whether they like it or not. money is evil… i like my life now…. but if you want to give me a million dollars, here is my account number: 867-5309…. just joking… have a nice day…
**haleiwa pro cancelled today. too small and junky. huge swell coming this weekend so expect the contest to finish with a bang!!! bang!!!