Chi-chan in Hawaii….

good evening. go warriors!!! i hope we win tonight…. went to surf bowls this morning. it was pretty dam good. head high, not too many guys out, and super long walls. after a hour of surfing lefts, i paddled down to rockpiles and surfed the rights… had a really good session. all i saw was happy faces. can’t complain, this is november and towns still going off. country came down and looked pretty small. save gas, surf town… watched the news today. starbucks is loosing customers. not? well, it’s about time. starbucks is a monopoly and i hate monopolies. i don’t drink coffee but if i did, i’d be pissed paying $5 for one. that’s freaking more than gas. thanks for mcdonalds and and other fast food restaurants for setting the trend. expect coffee prices to be dropping soon. and if you were wondering why i don’t drink coffee. simple. i don’t need coffee. i was born hyper and that will never change… haha… and thanks to some magic. i turned on my computer today and i have a spell checker on my safari browser. yeah… now my friends won’t email me telling me about my spelling mistakes… anyway, gotta catch the game. aloah…. oh, i mean aloha….

how many of you stick your head out of the window to find which side is the gas tank is. i do. did you know that in your car, it tells you. just look at the little gas symbol and see which side the hose is on. that’s the side your tank is on. i’ve drove over a 1,000 cars in my life and my neck hurts from looking for that dam tank. now i know… thanks cathy for the valuable information. i’m going to go check my car right now…

this is Chi-chan. chi-chan is from japan and is a little play doll for kids from 2-6 years old. when i first saw chi-chan in my house, i thought it was a normal cute looking doll. then one day, i picked her up because i thought something looked weird….

i saw something coming out of her ass. chi-chan makes do do? and shi shi? oh my gosh!!! what kind of toy is this????? this would never make the toy shelves in stores in america. just wanted to share…. oh, and the do do stinks too… haha. just joking…. anyway, chi-chan is now in my rubbish can. i cannot even donate her to the salvation army. i might get arrested…

Toyota Corolla Beach Car for Sale!!

ohayo gozaimasu. it’s 7am on football friday. waves 3′ out of the north on the north shore. lani’s is the spot. town came up a tiny bit. the surf report is calling it 4-6′ but i don’t think so. it’s more like 2′. bowls has 20 guys out already and it’s going to get more crowded as the day goes on. going to go get wet somewhere. have a nice day….
1984 Toyota Corolla Station Wagon FOR SALE…

need a beach car? this one is perfect. it’s a 1984 toyota corolla station wagon. 120,000 miles and in excellent running condition. registration good until 3/08, safety check good until 1/08. am/fm radio, automatic, no a/c. first $600 takes it….

i figure 8 boards can fit in the back if you put down the back seat. perfect for the north shore…. for more info, email:…..

check out this bar club in osaka…. my kind of bar…. for those of you who don’t know., they call these 500 coin bars. it means that any drink is 500 yen, or $4.50. and it’s open to 5am….

Nuuanu Jurrassic Park….

good evening. another day of so so waves. we say in japanese “ma ma’. not too good, or not too bad. and not good enough for me to drive out to the north shore. waves in town looked like it came up a little this evening. should have some 2 footers tomorrow. north shore is coming down with the next swell sunday into monday. tomorrow is the BIG UH football game. our guys are in nevada playing them on their home turf. someplace uh has never won before. it’s going to be a good game and i’m watching it for sure. 6pm start on ESPN…..

when the jungle gets growing, my brother and i head up to my mom’s nuuanu house. there’s a huge yard along the stream and it rains there everyday so that means; jurrasic park. haven’t been there for a while so things have gotten out of control. the trees needed to be cut down, and so did the grass and weeds….

i hate doing yard work but somebody has to do it. this was the beginning and i didn’t want to show you what i looked after. i was too dirty and stink…

after 2 truckloads of trees and bushes, it looked much better. you can acutally see the pond and stream now. i love this house. i was actually born here. right in that pond. nah, just joking. but my grandpa bought this land back in the 1940’s, worked really hard and built his dream house. it’s old school japanese style with shoji doors and everything. got a huge living room overlooking the yard and nuuanu stream. it’s super peacefull and quiet. can hear the birds churping and the cool winds blowing the trees. i want to live here when i get older. i just don’t want to clean the yard….

went up the mountain to check out the pigs this evening and go for a swim in the pool. brandon grabbed a little pig and it was screaming so loud. still waiting for them to get a little bigger before it’s on the barbecue. maybe super bowl sunday??

and another killer sunset on the way home. lucky we live hawaii….
**and shit, i ran into “DaSpot” to get a smoothie after doing yard work today. not even 30 seconds later, a freaking cop pulled up and gave me a ticket. i was pissed but it was my fault. something was happening around McCully today because there were cops everywhere giving tickets for every little thing. that’s cool. $35 isn’t too bad. better than $150 in japan….

this is page 110-111 of cloud 9 in surfing world. that guy getting barreled is jason shibata. i’ve know jason since he was a little kid. it was cool watching him surf better and better and at the same time, being such a cool person. of all the surfers from hawaii that went to surf the contest, jason was the most popular with the filipino locals. everybody likes this guy…. and on the left side, the real deal chicken fights. go there and it will blow your mind….