Saturday October5日 2024年

On Clear Days, On Rainy Days, I Think of that Smile….

good morning. 6:30am. north shore is flat. town still has head high waves with perfect conditions. yesterday lighthouse looked all time. i’m going to go check it out. have a nice day…

diving bali style… andre speared this dogtooth in bali and within a couple hours, there were perfect sashimi slabs. this is the lifestyle. catch a fish, and share it with family and friends….
**this song is out of okinawa too. rimi natsukawa singing nada sou sou is one of my favorite japanese songs. it’s number one on my “on-the-go” playlist on my ipod. such a beautiful song. up until now, i really didn’t understand the meaning of the song. now i do. such a beautiful song. sad, but beautiful….

another photo for the boys. straight out of okinawa…

Dirty Water Tuesday….

good evening. waves were going off today. passed by diamond head and the waves were perfect. lighthouse was going off…. i didn’t want to go in the water because of the sewage spill. got a cut on my foot and i want to keep my foot. but probably chance it tomorrow. waves dropping with epic conditions… have a safe night. oh, and wanted to congratulate hawaii for ranking #3 in america for the healthiest people…. makes me want to eat a bigmac tomorrow. haha….

check out the new surfing magazine this month. sick article on “bali and beyond”. featuring the top 5 grom superstars coming out of bali. including garut and mega…. yeah boys!!!!

here’s garut’s spread. flying in the dark…..

and here’s mega’s spread. gosh, these kids are blowing up. i’m so stoked to be able to see them taking their surfing to the international level….

here’s the boys flashing the gangster sign 2 years ago around christmas. boys will be boys….

here’s page 108-109 of cloud 9. the left side is hayato. view from top and bottom….. and the right side of the page is one thick ass barrel. nobody wanted that one….

and lucky you live hawaii. check out this sunset outside my house right now. sick….
** and about lisa anderson, she will be here on November 24, 2007 ??? 10 a.m. at Barnes & Noble, Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii for her new book signing. see you there….. thanks maki for the info….

Begin- Kariyushi No Yoru (Live in Hawai)

good morning. 7am here in hawaii. small waves and dirty water. 2 million gallon sewage spill in town, sewage spill in kailua, and dirty water on the north shore. all kinds of chemicals, dodo, and germs in the ocean all around the island. stay out of the water. i’m not taking any chances with a fresh cut on my foot. have a nice day on land….
**oh, congratulations to the new WCT world champion, mick fanning….. he’s surfing in the finals right NOW…. CLICK HERE TO WATCH….

**i finally got my iphoto library up and running. i was looking at some photos i took last winter at backdoor. check these out…

this is maoh toda pulling in at backdoor….

gosh, i forgot this kids name again. he got so barrelled on this wave….

this is keito. this kid rips and expect him to get bigger and better barrels this year…
**and last, check out this cool band called “Begin” from okinawa. kimura-san gave me this cd and i love it…. makes me want to go back to okinawa already. surf good waves, have fun with good friends, and catch me a 73lbs. dog tooth tuna….
if BEGIN ever comes to hawaii again. please, please let me know…. i’m going front row. and i’m going to drink awamori…. and i’m going to probably pass out….