Saturday Dawn Patrol

Enjoying the rides with the boys…

May 18, 2024 Hawaii Surf Report

Weird weather.

Good morning 4:30am.
Ala Moana head high and cleaning up.
Diamond Head overhead and good.
Light winds so much better conditions.
Cloudy with some sun.
Going to the sea.
Have a wonderful day!

World Red Alert

Boot Camp Day 2 and the waves much better.  So happy to see the sun shining and the waves cleaner.  Namikoshi-san on some excellent rides.  This one was perfect!

It’s pretty cool watching these guys ride the waves for so long.  Today was still very hard conditions, but compared to yesterday, it was easy for them.

Tokukura-san discovered the joy of riding big white washes.  He went pretty far out and caught waves that were very difficult to catch.  We all had the best workout again today.

And he rode it all the way to the inside.  He kept going, going, and going.

The 2 Australians and 1 American surfers who were murdered in Mexico are still making world wide news.  The were robbed for their truck and all got shot in the head for it.  I’ve been to Mexico many times but I’m not planning on going there anytime soon.  I don’t think anyone is.  

The United States government just issued a “WORLDWIDE ALERT” for Americans traveling abroad.  That means to anywhere and everywhere in the world.  I think that is a little excessive.  I feel safer in many other countries than here.  All this is doing is making travelers paranoid.

Here’s the simple advice I always give to people I travel with.

1.  Leave all your valuables at home.

2.  If you get robbed, give them everything because everything can be replaced.  Not your life.

3.  Don’t go out at night because nothing good happens at night.