Yesterday once more: Tako hunting success!
Photos by Mighty Mouse
Yesterday once more: Tako hunting success!
Photos by Mighty Mouse
Yesterday once more: Style is everything! Yeah Uncle Barry!
Good morning 4:10am.
North shore head high and good.
Ala Moana knee to waist high and clean.
Diamond Head waist high and bumpy.
Trade winds at 15mph.
Sunny and warm after a cool morning.
Going to the sea.
Have a wonderful day!
Round 1: This small South swell stuck around for one more day. Nice small perfect waves this morning for everyone. Lance with the smooth bottom turn.
I was yelling “hit the lip!!!” and Lance hit the lip!
Mighty Mouse down to a 6’0 and turning a lot better.
Thank you for the pass by photo this morning Alan. The waves were so fun!
Round 2: Back out to the sea for a super fun surf outside Waikiki. The girls scored again! Then we moved the boat and went hunting for tako and shells.
Mighty Mouse diving way deeper and much more comfortable. Just by watching her today, I think she can dive 50′ already. We will try next time! Can you see the tako? I dropped my spear right next to it but it’s camouflaged.
Went back down to take him out of the hole. This one is perfect for takoyaki!
Found another one but let it go. We were out in the ocean today for so long. I’m sure everyone is tired and sleeping. Getting ready for tomorrow because we’ll be in the ocean again. Goodnight.