Go Surf or Dive or Both

Were you wondering why everyone was at Diamond Head this morning?  

One of the best places to view the sunrise in the winter months in Hawaii.  It comes up right behind the island of Molokai.

Round 1:  Drove 40 minutes and surfed our secret spot again.  Everyday the girls are learning something very important.  Today’s lesson was to hunt for the best waves.  The sets were shoulder high and had lots of power.

Round 2:  Went out searching for a wave.  Since nobody was out at Rockpiles, the girls jumped in for a few.  

Then we moved on to check out another spot.  Anchored the boat and let the girls decide what they wanted to do.

Round 3:  Yes, you can surf, or dive, or both.  

One of them chose to surf as she had a spot all to herself for 2 hours.  That’s freedom!  

The other chose to dive as she had the whole underwater ocean to herself.  Going deeper and deeper each dive.  Pretty cool to see her progression.

I just go along and search for tako.  It’s healthy, happy, and delicious!  Tomorrow it’s surf, or dive, or both.

The Hunt


Yesterday once more:  Tako hunting success!

Photos by Mighty Mouse

January 21, 2025 Hawaii Surf Report

Yesterday once more:  Style is everything!  Yeah Uncle Barry!

Good morning 4:10am.
North shore head high and good.
Ala Moana knee to waist high and clean.
Diamond Head waist high and bumpy.
Trade winds at 15mph.
Sunny and warm after a cool morning.
Going to the sea.
Have a wonderful day!