Lighting STRIKES!!!

We paddled out early this morning in the storm.  The water was clean but there were a lot of debris floating around.

Then the first storm comes right to us as we were surfing.  You couldn’t even see Diamond Head.

But Ishii san had no problem surfing in this storm.  We had Rockpiles all to ourselves!!!

The water was so clean today.  Right after this, the next storm was approaching.  I saw a lightning bolt followed by loud thunder.  It was scary, but beautiful at the same time.

Check this photo out.  I was riding on the side of Ishii san and then I saw lightning and the whole sky lit up.  Followed by loud thunder!  It was crazy!!!  I was so stoked to see it on the clip.

This is the first time I got someone riding a wave when lightning strikes.  Once in a lifetime maybe…

Thunder and Lightning Tuesday!

Round 1:  Big storm.  Thunder.  Lightning.  Heavy rain.  Nobody. Lucky Iishi-san!

November 5, 20274 Hawaii Surf Report

Tako attack…

Good morning 4am.
North shore 3-5′ and good.
Ala Moana knee high and high tide.
Diamond Head waist high and bumpy.
Trade winds at 15mph.
Sun, clouds, rain, and winter weather all week.
Going to the sea.
Have a wonderful day!