Monthly Archives: June 2012

The first crazy day!

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Salemat pagi!
What a crazy first night.
We left Padang at 5pm, entered a typhoon.
Boat bouncing, everything falling, lightning bolts everywhere, loud thunder, people getting seasick.
It lasted 4 hours then things calmed down. I finally slept.
Woke up this morning and guess what? We were still in Padang. Haha. We had to turn around and hide our boat behind a small island for protection. It was my worst experience in my life on a boat. Everybody said the same thing too. Our Indonesian guide has been on this boat for the past 20 years and said it was his worst experience too. He thought the boat was going to flip over. Yes, it was that bad. We have 5 girls who are first timer boat trippers. They experienced the worst and it’s only going to get better. The harbor master said the storm will be here for the next 5 days and ordered all boats back to the harbor. We can’t wait. We’re going! If we sink, we sink. And if this is my last blog, this is my last blog. This is part of traveling and you just don’t know what will happen. But I always see the light at the end of the tunnel and we will get there one way or another. See you in the Mentawai!


i get lots of comments sent straight to my email. i look through each and every one. some long, some short. short and straight to the point. Shin from Tokyo asked me if i watched this video of Masa in Hawaii. i clicked on it and got inspired from the start. i would love to meet Masa someday. just to see the smile on his face as he hits the water is priceless. this is what us surfers call “Pure Stoke!” thank you Shin for this wonderful video. and to Masa out there, Keep on Surfing! aloha.