Monthly Archives: November 2015

Evacuating Mexico

we already knew a hurricane was coming, but what we didn’t know was no boats were allowed out from the harbor. strict rules from the harbor master. yesterday, we were lucky to sneak out, this morning, no luck. so we wait and wait. then finally get the call at 10am “sorry guys, can’t dive today. the harbor master says no boats going out” OMG! what do we do? hurricane approaching and dumping rain all day long. didn’t want to stick around and get stuck a few days in mexico so we made the call: we’re out of here! packed up and headed to the airport.
i went down to check the waves. looked fun but not fun enough for me to paddle out.
then i see the super surfer woman walking down the street. we met this lady the night before at dinner and she’s here to surf. coming from Maine, it is still paradise even during a hurricane.
waves were building all day. this is a spot called “Stinky’s” and you don’t want to know why they call it that.
meet Rose. i told her “omg, you are hardcore! way to go girl!” then she told me “i just couldn’t sit in my room any longer. i want to surf!”
the airport was packed! before we got to the airport there were lots of open seats, but by the time the flight was about to leave, it was full! Kyle was super lucky to get the last seat on the flight.
the standby waiting game is stressful. if Kyle didn’t get the last seat, he would probably be spending at least 2 more days in mexico.
glad to be coming home. yes, i was a little bummed when our last day of diving got cancelled. but i truly believe that everything happens for a reason. and i got what i wanted on this trip so i’m completely satisfied. can’t be too greedy right?
anyway, here in our hotel room in cold LAX staying the night. 50lbs. of ahi is on ice and hopefully arriving back in hawaii around noon tomorrow. i might go straight from the airport to Mayuki with all my dive gear and look for tuna 30 miles out to sea. you just never know. haha. good night from LAX!

Mexican Fishing Tales

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in hawaii, we don’t have pelicans so playing with them is pretty fun. i was feeding them some fresh tuna yesterday. they all got their fair share.
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every tuna has it’s own story. here is Kyle coming up from the kill shot.
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i know how to cut a tuna up. but when i’m traveling, i prefer to watch how the locals do it. these guys are fast and good. i just sit and learn. always want to better myself.
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check out our palace we’ve been staying in. so cool and comfortable.
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there’s my bed in the corner. waking up every morning to the chickens or the garbage man. and my roommates snoring too. haha.
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got some packed up and will be taking it back to hawaii. sushi party?
wish this trip would never end. hurricane heading to mexico so might be some good surf tomorrow! i can’t wait!

Happy Tuna Day!

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first of all, want to wish everyone a Happy Tuna Day! no turkey here in mexico so tuna is what we’re eating. another awesome day here! just enjoying life and enjoying time in the nature. it’s one of the first times i missed thanksgiving dinner with my family. thank goodness they support my life, passion, and dreams. i’m sure everyone will be happy when i bring back all the fresh tuna from mexico! but as you can see in this photo today, i’m a very lucky and happy man!
our hosts David and Lisa, with the help of Kyle, prepared a wonderful dinner for us last night.
and David was nice enough to give me some beers. i actually tried to walk in the dark to the store a few blocks away but felt like i was going to get attacked by a street dog. so i turned around and ran back home.
i’ve never had so much fresh tuna in a while. it gets better and better by the day! it’s unbelievable that this tuna was swimming right in front of me a day before. crazy!
David’s hand roll sushi. so good!
want to congratulate my roommate Jonathan for spearing this monster tuna today. the story on getting this one is hilarious. but hey, so long as it’s in the boat right?
anyway, hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. tomorrow will be my last diving day of this trip. looking forward to an awesome day. i just hope that yellow submarine passes by me again. yeah, the biggest yellowfin tuna ever crossed my path today. when i seen it, by body and finger froze. i just watched it swim right by me with my mouth open wide 60′ deep. it will be an image i will never forget. no regrets. just will never ever let that chance pass me by again. next time, it’s sashimi for everyone! good night!