Never too young, and never too old…


i got up at 4:30am and was texting my foil buddy till 6:30am.  went to get a couple waves at Diamond Head and had a great time.  then came home for my tax appointment when Mateus was waiting outside my house and said “unko, i want to go surfing.”  i asked him “ok, when?”  he said “now!”   i cancel my tax appointment, throw a board and Mateus in the truck and head to Bowls.  there is no way in the world i’m going to miss this opportunity.  i took Mateus surfing when he was 1 year old and he hasn’t surfed since then.   5 years later and now this kid is finally ready.  i asked him why he wanted to go surfing today and he said “because my whole family surfs.”  haha…  this was his first wave in 5 years.  look at his face!  haha… after the ride, he was so stoked!!!   i changed him, then he said “now i’m a surfer.  and i’m hungry, can we eat tofu?”  haha… so after taking a 5 year old kid surfing, i went to pick up the 70 year old kid for an evening session.   Asayama-san being so calm and confident.  after surfing all those crazy waves we’ve been surfing, Bowls was way too easy for him.   i came into the shorebreak and saw something strange under the water.  picked it up and now i have a new Casio watch!  score!   remember this fish from yesterday?  well, it was swimming in the ocean and now he’s on the dinner table.  a wonderful healthy and fresh dinner to close the day.  thank you Mateus and Asayama-san for making my day so special.  i’m so happy and can’t wipe this big smile off my face!!!  goodnight boys…
