i saw this sign in a little restaurant in Molokai and it caught my eye.  “SLOW DOWN, HAPPINESS IS TRYING TO CATCH YOU.”   i really think it is so true!   i use to live a fast life and probably didn’t have enough time to enjoy it.  but now, my life is much slower and i’m appreciating every second of it.  you should try it because i’m telling you that it works… this is how you slow down and let happiness catch you.  Asayama-san and i hanging out at a very sacred spot on Molokai.  enjoying the sunset and enjoying the slow life.  happiness is right here!   then back to Oahu and using the concept of slowing down and enjoying the ride.   i couldn’t believe how good the waves were this morning.   see that girl behind looking at Asayama-san?  that’s why she fell.  Asayama-san knows that he’s supposed to be looking forward just like this.   perfect rides on his last day in paradise.   i had a wonderful time with this wonderful man.   16 days of surfing and living the wonderful slow island lifestyle.  going with the flow each and every day and seeing where Mother Nature took us.  and she took us on a very amazing ride each and every day!   this was Asayama-san’s last wave of this surf trip.  from here, it was straight to the airport.  at 70 years old, it will be a surf trip to remember… thank you Asayama-san for the wonderful time.  if i can be just like you when i’m 70 years old, that would be a dream.  surf, dive, travel, and enjoy life.  keep on inspiring us because you are our inspiration.  have a safe flight home and see you again soon!  then went to pick up the Keinosuke-san family and had amazing afternoon.  good job all you boys!!!
