Eye of the Two Tigers


 Seth better get use to post heat winner interviews because this is only the beginning.   the sand is so fine here that it squeaks when you walk.  it’s so weird!  wake up in the morning and train.  Kelia is so fit!  i wouldn’t want to get her mad!   it’s so cool to see professional athletes training so hard to become the worlds best.  i was surprised to see Seth’s eye to hand coordination.   punching a tennis ball on a elastic string so accurately.   it looked so had to do.  and with Coach Rainos in his corner, Seth will keep on upsetting the worlds best surfers. so good to see Occy at the contest.  i got to have a chat with him and told him how much i use to admire his surfing style, and still do…when ever i see Kelia, i get happy.  she has a way of bringing joy to millions of people around the world.  there is something very special about her…
