What to do in Indonesia


pretty cool setup at this hotel i’m staying at.  the prices at hotels in Bali are 1/4 of the ones in Hawaii.  so my advice is to spend a little more to get a lot more…and you should always include the breakfast options because it’s amazing.  started off with hot milk tea and fresh watermelon juice…then my nashi goren which is Indonesia fried rice.  after a nice breakfast like this, it’s time to go to the beach.and as much as you can, go get a massage.  a 1 hour foot and shoulder massage will only cost you $6.  and a good shiatsu massage will only cost $5.  so why not right?  but this girl doesn’t look too happy massaging my stink feet.  haha. i was texting Kelia and Seth during the contest.  so fun to communicate with these kids now days.  and so happy to see them having a good time in France.  i couldn’t believe they rushed the interview and almost broke down the wall.  good thing i wan’t there because it would have broken down for sure.  haha.i want to congratulate my friend Carter for getting his black belt in Gracie Jujitsu!  i know how hard he trained and focused to reach this ultimate dream.  so as of today, i will hire him to be my bodyguard.  haha…  congratulations Carter!
