50 First Waves…


 check out this beautiful photo i took of Salina yesterday evening.  waves and lighting couldn’t be any better… this morning we started off Boot Camp again.  todays lesson was repeat, repeat, and repeat.  so i told Ishikawa-san to catch as many waves as possible.   i had my foil so getting these angles was pretty fun!  Ishikawa-san was surprised when he seen me come out of nowhere.  haha.   i passed in front of him, and in back of him.  i just told him “don’t look at me!”   it must be hard not to look at me right?   especially when i’m right in front of you.  here is where trust comes into play.  if either one of us makes a mistake, we both get hurt.   now this is the photo i’m looking for.  a unique angle you can’t get any other way.  good job on being so calm Ishikawa-san! we surfed for 3.5 hours and Ishikawa-san caught 50 waves!  amazing morning!   i see more signs of coral bleaching.   the water is still extremely warm… good to see David out enjoying the surf.  we have our little talks here and there and i always tell him “life is so beautiful brother!”   omg, we tried to leave Bowls but the road was blocked off.  i forgot it’s the annual Gay Pride Parade! so we just got out and watched it.  this years Gay parade was like no other.  i will explain tomorrow. because we were so hungry!  so went to eat a juicy ham plate!  then surfed again!  thank you Ishikawa-san for the surf, food, surf, and laughs…
