Barack Obama Wins!!!


good morning. 6:30am on this historic day. obama is president? really? gosh, when he decided to run for president, everybody thought it was impossible for him to win. except him. talk about dreams coming true!! what an awesome story and i can’t wait to see what happens. “change”. that’s what this country needs. congratulations to hawaii surfer barack obama!! let’s take america to the top again!!!

check out this picture of obama that jasmin drew. i seen it hanging on her wall back in july and i thought it was so cool that i took a photo of it. change. yeah, that’s what america is waiting for….

last night was a blast. we went bowling and i haven’t laughed that hard in a while. this is toda-san hoping for a strike… i ended up doing pretty good. 190 for the first game. 3 strikes and 6 spares. 170 for the second game. 3 strikes and 5 spares. and the third? don’t ask. i barely made 100. i’m going to practice more because i want to break 200…

toda-san came to hawaii to eat. and he did a great job. shoyu chicken, yakiniku, steak, bubbies, yogurt land, and yogurt land. here is his favorite shoyu chicken plate. wanted to thank toda-san for the great time we had. have a safe flight back home!!!

and last, how cool is this tree? lonely but cool….
**oops, forgot the surf. waves small around the island but perfect conditions. town is waist/chest high with diamond head being the best. bowls has 6 guys on it and looking fun. i surfed it yesterday morning and the tide was too high. diamond head too. waiit to the tide drops a little and go surf. have a nice day!!!
