Priceless Dirt bike Cliff Ride…


it was 4pm and i was in my garage doing something.  then Micah comes down and says “hey uncle, want to go ride dirt bike?”  i say yes in a second and dropped everything.  then we load up the bikes…

i can’t believe how fast these electric bikes are.  it’s the best toy that’s come out since the foil.  haha…

so Micah, Tony, and my brother head up the mountains for the sunset view.

i couldn’t believe how beautiful it was up there.  the winds were blowing at 40mph sidewards so it felt so refreshing.

just the boys enjoying the afternoon.  i was so happy to be up there with my brother in-law, brother, and nephew.  it’s crazy how these toys are bring us closer and closer together.

just another place to enjoy the sunset.  next time i’m taking a beer with me!

i’m a super beginner on these dirt bikes so i wore a helmet.  one fall to the ground and it could be fatal.  and when i’m trying to keep up with these expert riders, anything could happen.

i was going down this mountain and i know there is 300′ vertical cliff on the right side.  and when the wind blew 40mph gusts from the left to right, it nearly blew me off the cliff!  my heart hasn’t pumped that fast in a while.  it was kind of scary to think what would have happened if i fell off the cliff.  zero survival rate…

well, now you see this new hobby my whole family is getting in to.  so my brother just ordered me some gear and now i’ll be exploring more deep into the mountains and trails this year.  a very expensive hobby, but also so priceless…
