No Doctor ON call…


my brother and Tony have been customizing their e-bikes.  and when they find the perfect setup, mine is next.  haha…i went to Diamond Head at 6:30am and there was no parking!!! omg! luckily i found the last stall and got to foil for a couple of hours.  the waves were perfect!  good to see everybody enjoying the ocean and being positive in such a terrible time… for the past 3 days, i’ve been breaking out in hives.  my body getting so itchy and i can’t even sleep at night.  i’m guessing it’s an allergy from something but not too sure.  on my stomach, back, legs, neck, ears, and even on my face.  my doctor closed his office because of the coronavirus so i went to the emergency room today.  then when i saw all the doctors setting up white tents wearing full protective gear, i turned around and went home.  it was scary!  it’s going to be another sleepless night in Hawaii…
