Nature doesn’t lie…


it’s been 5 months since Hanauma Bay has been closed.  they say the water is 42% cleaner which is amazing.  there are more fish, turtles, and monk seals.  i hope we can all learn from this pandemic.  we can learn that Hawaii has been overused and over abused by tourists these past decades.  if i was in charge, i would close Hanauma Bay every other year.  that way it gives time for nature to rest and regrow.  to have thousands and thousands of tourists there every single day of the year is kind of irresponsible.  nature doesn’t lie…right beneath this cliff lies one of the most beautiful places on the island.  it is very calm on days like this when there are no waves.  it’s totally flat and looks so inviting.  BUT, these are also the days it can be deceiving.  one minute it’s flat, and the next it’s surging.  so yesterday, another young woman decided to go for an evening swim and couldn’t get back up the rocks.  she died and i’m pretty sure hundreds of people died there since i was in high school.  when people ask me how to get there, i don’t tell them.  so don’t go there unless you’re with a very experience local who is willing to risk their life to jump in and save yours…
