Jeannie Chesser Art and Jewelry Show….


good day mate. how’s things going. epic big surf at sunset today. gosh, it made me want to surf out there. maybe next swell. pipe masters start dec. 8th monday. the sandbar is set up and swells on the way. the waves have been so good that i’m a little worried. is it going to be an early winter? i hope not and i know that the waves aren’t going to last like this all year. it’s just too good to be true… gas is down, stocks are down, car sales are down, the dollar is down. the only thing up these days are the surf. so better get out there and enjoy it. have a safe chilly evening….

hey, jeannie chesser is having an art and jewelry show at her house tomorrow and saturday. going to be some awesome stuff to buy for christmas presents. all handmade or hand painted by jeannie. see ya there… by the way, no stalkers please…haha…
art & jewelry show and sale
Fri Dec 5 and Sat Dec 6
2-7 pm
my house
4219-E Huanui St
bring your friends
good prices
new stuff
Bali stuff…Baby shirts….Beach glass….art by Jeannie Chesser
call for directions or email me

i was watching the contest online today. shit, jordy smith was the man today. he was by far the best surfer out there. but in the final, he couldn’t get any good waves and ended up 4th. it was cj hobgood’s day. it’s been a while since i seen a goofy footer ripping big sunset like that. maybe since the occy days…

nao-chan, thank you for the email. i’m glad you got back safe to japan. and thanks for the photo. looks so cold. good luck on your next trip to australia… ganbatte ne[:?????$B!x(B???:]
*and last, jun jo’s in4mation is featured in contrast magazine. check it out…
