Switzerland Pro Snowboarder Art Director…


it’s a trip how you meet people on the road. i was checking in to my hotel earlier this spring when i went to thailand. i met this guy in the lobby named grischa rubinick who is from Switzerland. he was one of the first professional snowboarders in his country and moved on to being an art director for a hugh advertising company. i asked him why he was in thailand. he told me that his company pays for him to take a trip on some secluded island where there are no phones or internet access. he goes on these 2 week trips to brainstorm. brainstorm for new ideas for advertising campaigns. that’s pretty cool. anyway, he had a stopover in bangkok so we hung out talking story. pretty interesting guy..

check out this fruit drink ad he thought of. shit. amazing. makes me want to drink that. i’m talking about the drink guys.. haha…

speaking of thailand, the international airport finally reopened up. well, the government finally got control back. imagine all the tourists that got trapped there and couldn’t leave? that must suck? if that was me, i’d go back to my hotel, walk back to my favorite yakitori street stand, grab a beer, and eat away. i would be stoked to be trapped there for an extra week….
