So Long Shonan….


good morning. 5am here on this holiday monday morning in japan. gosh, i’ve been down these past days. feels like a major cold but i think it’s still from the poison food i ate. my body feels tired but trying to recover. traveling and living out of your suitcase takes a toll on you but you just have to think positive and go with the flow. yeah, i miss my own bed but i will have that all winter long so i can’t complain. in about 2 weeks, i’ll be home so until then, i’m going to keep moving and enjoy what i chose to do. as for now, i’m heading to the rise and shine users contest to say my bye bye’s to matsuo and everybody there. then i’m on the train out of here. have a great day…

speaking about rise and shine, some guys with huge HD tv cameras came by to shoot for japanese karaoke videos. they even had a girl model but i couldn’t get a good look at her. i didn’t want to look like a stalker or anything. they closed the shop, kicked me out, and did the filming….

so the next time you get all drunk and sing karaoke, look for a guy in the back of the camera sticking tongue. that’s me…. haha…
