From Deep Forest Jungle to Concrete Jungle…


the day after i got back from the philippines, i had to go to tokyo for a couple of meeting. i’ve been to tokyo over 100 times but everytime i go, i get a little culture shock. just to think, i was in the jungle a couple of days before this. tokyo is one place where a guy like me could never live….

i’m a people watcher. i can sit down all day and watch people go by. and the best place in the world to people watch is in shibuya. thousands of people pass through this intersection evertime the light turns red. i wonder what would happen if this traffic light broke? it would be nuts….

then from hot, to cold. i was wearing trunks, t-shirt, and slippers a few days go. now i’m in jeans, long sleeve shirts, and shoes. but it’s ok because i have new clothes that i always wanted to wear….

this is this falls SPICE CLOTHING collection. spice makes the coolest clothes and i’m stoked because it fits perfect and all my friends back home like it. but they can’t have it. haha….
